Tampa Honda

Over six months, 31% of repair offers completed at Tampa Honda came through Codirect

Photo of the Tampa Honda dealership storefront with a blue sky and parking lot containing a few cars. The building is grey with a large blue door including the Honda logo, and the company logo in in the right corner.
Tampa Honda in Tampa, FL used Codirect to improve retention of customers and market share growth. Old customers started coming back and loved receiving Tampa Honda’s videos.
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Codirect helped Tampa Honda focus on bringing back old customers and improved market share growth. In just over five months, 31% of repair offers completed at Tampa Honda came through Codirect, and the dealership made 63 times its investment.


During the five-month period of the case study, Tampa Honda saw 13,589 total ROs, 4,266 (31%) of which were touched by Codirect. Customer pay of $490,566 and warranty pay of $33,613 resulted in a blended gross profit* of $288,298. Throughout the same period, Tampa Honda saw 154 sales and acquired 139 vehicles from Codirect, resulting in sales profit of $660,000. When combined, blended gross profit from ROs and sales profit came to $948,298.
An image of three icons--a car, a dollar sign, and an arrow pointing up with the stats: 139 vehicles acquired, $933,298 investment gain, and 63:1 ROI.


With a spend of $15,000 and a profit of $948,298, Codirect delivered Tampa Honda an investment gain of $933,298, or an ROI of 63:1. Video messaging was a huge success!
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Great job to Codirect! Our customers love the video touch and we’re seeing old customers coming back. It’s a process-free and people-free system, and we’re getting great results from it!

Jeff King

Fixed Ops Director, Tampa Honda

*This figure was reached by adding customer pay and warranty pay and multiplying by the conservative industry standard of 55%.

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