Last Modified: August 4, 2023

Written By:Guest Author

|Published Date: February 27, 2020|2 min read

Interview with Jake McCracken: Top Videos to Make at Your Dealership

The words "Guest Writer: Jake McCracken, Senior Consultant" next to Jake's headshot, where he is smiling and wearing a suit
Some of the most progressive dealers and salespeople have been utilizing video email and text messaging as part of their sales follow-up for the better part of ten years. It is commonly agreed that video communication has a positive effect when attempting to reach out to prospective clients.

Intro videos

The most common use of video we see are introductory emails. While video allows you to create that face-to-face introduction that builds trust and helps the person on the other end of the email understand who they will be working with, it is also a tool that can allow you to improve the overall shopping experience.In addition to sending an introduction, here are other ideas where you can utilize video to create a memorable customer experience.

How to

Technology and equipment available on many of the models on the market today has changed dramatically since the last time most of your prospective clients have purchased a vehicle. With updates to systems such as On-Star, Apple CarPlay, navigation systems, and other items, many people don’t have a clear understanding of what they offer. Imagine sending a personalized video to them showing two or three items that most of your customers desire and how they operate. Do you think that would set you apart from the dealer down the street?


Pictures are great; however, they only provide a certain level of information to the customer. Put yourself in the customer’s shoes for a moment when debating which vehicle they want to go see first. Put a video of the car in their inbox, and you’ll likely move ahead of your competition in gaining the attention of the shopper. This can be a great strategy with pre-owned inventory as well, due to many vehicles having different levels of condition. Offering a transparent walkaround will create trust and make the client more comfortable, as well as eliminate miscommunications causing an upset customer.

Customer Retention

You all have those calls that come up in the CRM. Sold follow up, customer birthday, and so on. Imagine breaking up the monotony of those follow-up activities with a video. Do you think if the customer received a video wishing them a happy birthday that they would appreciate it? Do you think more of your previous customers would remember you better if they received the occasional video checking in on them? Special offers they should know about? Send a video. Time for service? Send a video. The best salespeople in the world are the best at building a book of business that brings deals via repeats and referrals.All of the strategies above are designed with one thing in mind: develop better relationships! Many of us say we’re in the car business; however, that is not the case. We are in the people business, and video should be part of your strategy to deliver the best experience.Jake McCracken is a Senior Consultant with Interactive Marketing and Consulting Services (IM@CS), where he assists dealers deliver more vehicles by identifying core areas of improvement, coaching executives and sales staff members, as well as facilitating every aspect of the dealership's digital marketing strategy while utilizing many best practices developed over his 17 year career in the automotive industry. He can be reached at to try video for yourself? Try out a demo with Covideo Dealer Services.
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